There has been an enhanced disclosure requirement by organisations to the registrar of companies, stock exchanges, shareholders, and other statutory authorities. Our experts have in-depth knowledge and skill in the corporate secretarial space and are experienced in providing bespoke services to organisations of all sizes.
Advisory services on Corporate laws, SEBI, FEMA and other allied laws
Advisory services on compliance of Listing Agreement and Corporate Governance code
Advisory services on various labour laws
Incorporation of new companies and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) in India and abroad
Providing assistance for mergers, amalgamations, joint ventures, absorption, IPO, Follow on Public Offering, ESOP structuring and external reconstruction schemes
Corporate Secretarial services
Advisory services on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) including registration of trademarks, royalty agreement, enforcement of IPRs, etc.
Secretarial Compliance audit
Under Companies Act, 1956 and 2013:
Registration of the New Company, Section 25 Company, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), Change of Name, Change of Objects, Change of status from Public Ltd to Private Ltd and vice a versa
Conversion of a Partnership Firm/ Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) into a Company
Registration of Foreign Company (Branch Office / Liaison Office / Project Office)
Assisting in making petitions to be filed with Company Law Board, Regional Director, Registrar of Companies
Assistance in shifting of registered office from State to another
Assisting in preparation of Minutes, Notices, Agenda & Resolutions for Board Meeting, Annual / Extra-Ordinary General Meeting & Committee Meetings
Assisting in preparation of various registers like Register of Member, Register of Transfer, Register of Charges, Register of Director, Register of related party transaction, etc.
Liasioning with the office of Registrar of Companies, Regional Director and Company Law Board for obtaining various regulatory approvals
Arranging Secretarial Compliance Certificate for Public, Private & Listed Companies
Assistance in procedural compliance required toward mergers, demergers, acquisition, amalgamations, take over, slump sale etc.
Assisting in winding up/closure of companies in India
Under Listing Agreement:
Assisting in compliance of various Listing Clauses under the Listing Agreement.
Guiding on compliance of Clause - 49 of the Listing Agreement i.e. Corporate Governance
Quarterly / Half-Yearly / Yearly conducting Secretarial Audit of Listed Companies for ensuring Listing/SEBI compliances
Under Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI):
Assisting in filing of various forms under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997
Assisting in filing of various forms under SEBI Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992
Advising on various SEBI Regulations like SEBI Takeover Code, SEBI Insider Trading Regulations, SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009, SEBI Portfolio Managers Regulations, SEBI Broker Regulations with respect to IPO, Public Issue, Right Issue, Bonus Issue, Preferential Allotment, QIP, Delisting, etc.
Assisting in obtaining various regulatory approvals from SEBI / BSE / NSE
Assisting in Delisting of Companies from Stock Exchanges under SEBI (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009
Under Intellectual Property Laws:
Assisting in preparation & filing of various forms under Trademark, Copyrights & Patent Act
Assisting in Registration of a Trademark, Copyright & Patent
Assistance in drafting of related legal documentation for licensing or assigning of Intellectual property rights (IPRs) like trademark, technical know-how, etc.
Company law and secretarial services - Advantage RSM:
RSM in India is consistently ranked amongst India’s top six accounting and consulting groups, and globally RSM is the world’s seventh largest network of audit, tax and consulting firms and the sixth largest global provider of tax services by revenue
Extensive exposure to complex legal and corporate law issues
Actively servicing a large number of Indian and multinational companies in matters of corporate advisory, taxation and accounting issues across various sectors and national and international jurisdictions
Dedicated team of personnel having expertise in the field of corporate and other commercial regulations including exchange control regulations, intellectual property rights law, other compliances vis-à-vis corporate governance, SEBI regulations, etc. and extensive experience in handling complex legal and secretarial issues
Access to global methodologies, subject expertise and best practices of the RSM network
Indian personnel strength of over 1,200 people having expertise in diverse fields and Nation wide presence